So it's March, almost spring, and all of a sudden everything comes alive!
And the team helping with Ugly Betty's roof arrived as well - along with the 'authorisation de travaux'!
This morning Mr O, Jean-Yves, Christophe and his father Olivier started uncovering poor UB and when I pitched up around 11h30 on my bicycle, NOTHING!!
All gone - one singe beam left! I realised a tiny bit what it must be like to live in war stricken zones.
Oh my Word!!
Poor UB lost her old Hat!
But she'll be covered hopefully at the latest tomorrow! (wishfull thinking) At least she'll have new beams all set in place for the new tiles that has been patiently waiting in the courtyard since December!
This will be a new kick in the butt to get us going after our very cold miserable unproductive February!
Watch this space for more!
And hopefully i'll have the courage to cycle there again tomorrow (and back this time!!!), take more pics and let you have it all!!